The Power of Literary Techniques

           Last weeks assignment was one that tested our knowledge with literary techniques and how capable we are at performing them. After understanding some of these techniques, I honestly never noticed how much we use them on a daily bases. When I kept track of all the metaphors I was surprised how many my friends and I used to joke with one another. We just called it "clever insults" and never thought twice about it. It feels like they were engraved in us to a point where it became casual. An example of this would be when I saw the assignment required you to pick your any book/film, and make a poster or advertise for said book. The first book that came to my head was 1984 and alongside that came a clear idea of what I want to create. In that idea I noticed I was already using literary techniques without trying to. However I should give credit when its due, George Orwell (The author) did a great job depicting the dystopian world of 1984. I just never noticed he was using these devices to bring this world together in my imagination. I would even go as far to say that these devices are the key to guiding words into these crazy imaginative creations in our mind so if mastered, the power they hold is great. 
